SKU: xlinks
Extra Links
26 reviews
Each link kit comes with 6 Extra Links
JohnInKY They came undamaged and look good..., BUT....
BUT, what could have been sent in a small padded envelope came in a GIGANTIC box. So, with everyone wanting to be GREEN, and, for some reason, wanting to lower CO2 emissions, I do not understand this. But I don' t need to as the extra links came, were the right ones, and worked. HAPPY!!
James Pickard You Helped Me
Thank you!
Gerald Butterfield Extra links
Great doing business with you
John Mitchell Extra Links
Got me just what I needed. Thank you!!!
Michael Herber Band fits well
I purchased the watch band because there aren’t any retailers in our area that sell watch bands. It came in a few days and I put it on my old watch. New watches do not fit, and I explained that to the gal on the phone. I only needed two extra links. It fits perfect. These are the only watch bands I wear. They don’t snag or pull hair.
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